
ARRDEC Partners With NNF on State2State Project In Akwa Ibom State

New Nigeria Foundation (NNF) in partnership with Antof Rural Resource Development Centre (ARRDEC) is implementing a USAID Funded State2State Project in three LGAs namely: Ibesikpo, Oron and Uyo of Akwa Ibom State. The project which commenced in January 2022 has the goal to improve internally generated revenue for Akwa Ibom state and 3 local government …

ARRDEC Partners With NNF on State2State Project In Akwa Ibom State Read More »

ARRDEC’s Volunteers Group Commemorates International AIDS Day, 01 December, 2021

ARRDEC’s Volunteers Group joined the world to commemorate International World AIDS Day on 01st December, 2021 in Oron Town, Akwa Ibom State with the theme, “Ending HIV Epidemic, Equitable Access, and Everyone’s Voice!!!” The Volunteers Group Team was led by the Chairman, Mr. Eyoh Okoh. The event featured Awareness walk along Custom Barrack, Esin Ufot …

ARRDEC’s Volunteers Group Commemorates International AIDS Day, 01 December, 2021 Read More »

ARRDEC Participates At The 2-Day Capacity Building Training Organised by Palladium Under Its SCALE Project

Palladium Nigeria, with support from USAID Nigeria under its SCALE project organised a 2-Day Capacity building training for Civil Society Organisations in Nigeria. The training was effective advocacy for policy change. A total of 15 participants who were drawn across 13 states plus the Federal Capital Territory participated in the training. ARRDEC was represented by …

ARRDEC Participates At The 2-Day Capacity Building Training Organised by Palladium Under Its SCALE Project Read More »

ARRDEC Participates At The International Cancer Week, October, 2021

ARRDEC Participates At The International Cancer Week, October, 2021 The 2021 edition of the International Cancer Week (ICW), organized by Federal Ministry of Health was held on Monday 26th through Saturday 30th October at NAF Conference Centre and Suites, Abuja, Nigeria. This year’s event with the theme, “Cancer Care for All Through Strategic Advocacy and Investment …

ARRDEC Participates At The International Cancer Week, October, 2021 Read More »

ARRDEC Pays Courtesy visit to President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) State Coordinator.

The meeting was initiated by ARRDEC as a follow up to the interview conducted by President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) staff, Ini Udo on ARRDEC, at ARRDEC’s Uyo office.  The meeting was held at PMI State office, Ewet Housing, Uyo Akwa Ibom State on 19th of August 2019. Those in attendance were; Mr. Ime Akpan (PMI …

ARRDEC Pays Courtesy visit to President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) State Coordinator. Read More »

Courtesy Call to Hon Commissioner for Health, Akwa Ibom State

Courtesy Call On The Honourable Commissioner For Health, Akwa Ibom State, Prof. Augustine Umoh, By Ty Danjuma Foundation And Arrdec – Sept. 10th, 2020. On the 10th of September 2020, as part of the planned activities on the ongoing TY Danjuma Foundation’s Funded Healthy Mother Healthy Child 2020, ARRDEC’s team with a team from TY Danjuma Foundation …

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ARRDEC Participates At The TY Danjuma Foundation Grantees’ Training, at Abuja, on 24th January 2020

On 24th January 2020, ARRDEC was among 24 grantee organisations invited by TY Danjuma Foundation, for TYDF 2020 Project Grantees Training, held at Barcelona Hotel, Abuja. ARRDEC was represented by Mrs. Elizabeth Adebanjo (Program Manager), Miss Stephanie Bassey (Finance Officer) and Mr. Joshua Inim (Program Officer). Some of key topic discussed at the training included: …

ARRDEC Participates At The TY Danjuma Foundation Grantees’ Training, at Abuja, on 24th January 2020 Read More »

ARRDEC participates At The High Level Stakeholders Round Table Meeting on SDGs.

A high level meeting with the theme, “One-Day High Level Stakeholders Roundtable Meeting on Advancing the SDGs in the Niger Delta”, was organized by Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND). This meeting which attracted stakeholders different sectors viz  government, Civil Society Organisations, private sectors and communities, was held on Monday, 16th September …

ARRDEC participates At The High Level Stakeholders Round Table Meeting on SDGs. Read More »

ARRDEC Participates in International Women’s Day Celebration.

ARRDEC participated in the International Women’s Day Celebration organized by Partnership Initiative in the Niger Delta (PIND) Foundation on March 14, 2019 at Jojein Hotels & Resort, Akure Ondo State. The forum which had the theme, “Think Equal, Build Smart and Innovate for Change”, afforded ARRDEC the opportunity to explore activities for its livelihood thematic …

ARRDEC Participates in International Women’s Day Celebration. Read More »

Dr. Teresa Nwachukwu

Dr Nwachukwu is an Epidemiologist with the Department of Public Health of the Federal Capital Development Agency (FCDA), FCT, Abuja. She has vast experience in clinical management of childhood illnesses, Pediatrics HIV Care and response, and PMTCT programs. She has a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MBBS, from the University of Lagos, Nigeria (1994), Master’s in Public Health from Ahmadu Bello University  (2015), Certificate in Global Health from Tulane University (2011), Leadership and Management in Health from University of Washington (2018), HIV/AIDs Care and Program Management from Ahmadu Bello University (2016).
Dr. Nwachukwu is a member of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and the American Public Health Association (APHA).

Ndekhedehe Ndekhedehe

Administrative Officer
He is responsible for managing and distributing information for administrative purposes with over 20 years of experience.  He has National Diploma in Business Administration /Management. He also provides support for community mobilization. He had undergone several trainings such as, ” Introduction of OVC, Impact of HIV/AIDS on Children, OVC Care and Support” in 2009 organized by Excellence Community Education Welfare Scheme, “HIV/AIDS Prevention Methodology on Society Takin Action for Right IPC and Peer Education” in 2013 organised by Akwa Ibom State Agency for Control of AIDS (AKSACA) and Action Aid’s Enhancing Nigerian Response to HIV/AIDs (ENR)

Joshua Inim

Program Officer
Joshua Inim is responsible for the implementation of project activities and has over eight years’ experience working in the development sector. He was awarded a Degree in Agric Engineering from the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State in 2012and a Masters in Agric Engineering (In View).
He has the following training qualifications to his experience: Training on HIV/AIDS Prevention Methodology organized by Enhancing Nigeria’s Response to HIV/AIDS (ENR) in 2013, training on Child Status Index and other Monitoring Tools for Vulnerable Children Response in Nigeria and the use of NOMIS in 2012, Integrated Master Care and Support for OVC and Referral organized by FHI360 in 2012 and training on Monitoring & Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Program organized by Excellence Community Education Welfare Scheme (ECEWS) in 2008. He is also a trained Counseller/Tester

Mrs. Bassey Sample Mbeku

Finance Officer II
She holds a Diploma in Applied Economics from the University of Calabar, Calabar,  (1999-2001) and a B. Science in Accounting from the University of Calabar,  (2004-2009).
She has attended several career development training and seminars.
Within the banking sector, has over 10 years of client service experience; excellent verbal and written communication skills; Expertise in the usage of financial software and applications such as QuickBooks and Microsoft Excel.
In the development sector, she has over 3 years of experience in project financial management such as budget preparation and tracking, Managing financial records and receipts, reconciling periodic transactions, Preparing balance sheets, Processing invoices, and reporting. She provides particular support to Finance Officer 1 and to the project team regarding finance during project implementation.

MIss Stephanie Bassey

Finance Officer I
She is responsible for preparing financial statements for ARRDEC. She is in the custody of all project financial documents including the project checkbook and has received a lot of training in the development sector accounting and she uses QuickBooks for financial reporting.
Stephanie was awarded a degree in Accounting in 2010 by Plateau State Polytechnic, Nigeria, and Masters of Business Administration from the National Open University of Nigeria (in view). Stephanie has over 7 years of experience in finance administration and uses QuickBooks for financial reporting.
Her skills as a finance administrator on HIV projects have been enhanced through such training as M&E Frameworks for HIV/AIDS Program by Global Health (2014), Project and Program Design/Management by Global Health (2014), Social Marketing for Health by Global Health (2016), CAPABLE Training on Financial Management and Resource Mobilization by Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND), amongst others.
Stephanie is also a trained Counsellor/Tester

Kennedy Nwokenna

Pmanning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
He is responsible for preparing project-related research, data collation/analysis, and data quality assessment. He develops organizational and project-based M&E plans and frameworks. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Statistics (Hons) from Abia State University, Nigeria in 2007 and a Proficiency Certificate from the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) in 2009. He has over 7 years of experience with proficiency in the usage of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). He is also in charge of content development and management of ARRDEC’S social media platforms and website.
He has received several pieces of training over the years. Some of these include training on PMTCT, Monitoring, and Evaluation by Pathfinder International; Operationalization of Minimum Prevention Package Intervention (MPPI) and District HIV/AIDS Information System (DHIS) by Akwa Ibom State Agency for the Control of AIDS (AKSACA), PMTCT by Global Health (2016), Gender Monitoring and Evaluation by Global Health (2016), Equity-Focused and gender Responsive Evaluation by Global Health (2015), Data Use for Program Managers and Data Quality by Global Health (2015), etc.

Elizabeth Adebanjo

Project Manager
Elizabeth Adebanjo is responsible for the overall project delivery of ARRDEC programs. She is the focal person who relates with and reports to donors. She obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology in 2001 from the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, and has an Executive Master’s Certificate in Project Management from the PM College, the UK in October 2009. 


Elizabeth’s project management experience in the development sector spans more than ten (10) years. On HIV-related projects, she was the Project Director of the PMTCT Project implemented by ARRDEC in Akwa Ibom State from 2013 – 2014 which was sponsored by Management Sciences for Health (MSH). She was also the Project Manager of the World Bank-sponsored HIV Programme Development Project II (HPDP II) which was implemented by ARRDEC from 2015 – 2016 in Akwa Ibom State. She also coordinates the Free Medical Mission/HIV Testing Services (HTS) implemented yearly by ARRDEC since 2011 by ARRDEC in partnership with Oron Development Union (ODU) USA, Inc.
She has attended several conferences, workshops, seminars, and training and some of these are: Operationalization of Minimum Prevention Package Intervention (MPPI) in 2015 organized by Akwa Ibom State Agency for the Control of AIDS (AKSACA) (2015), Gender Monitoring and Evaluation by Global Health (2015), Key Practices of Good Governance by Global Health (2017), Leadership Development Program Workshop by Management Sciences for Health (2013), etc.

Very Revd. Okon Ekerendu

Executive Director
He is a superannuated clergy of over thirty-five(35) years of dedication to the Lord in Methodist Church Nigeria, a former teacher and clergy in-charge of the Methodist Church Humanitarian Commission. His sheer desire to serve humanity made him obtain an additional Diploma in Community Work from the University of Birmingham in 1981 and he still gives voluntary services both in the secular and religious sector.

Engr. Edet Emmanuel Okon

Engr. Edet Emmanuel Okon holds Ordinary National Diploma in Civil/Building Engineering from College of Technology, Calabar; MSc  in Civil/Structural Engineering from Kiev Institute of Civil Engineering, Kiev, Ukraine; MSc in Water Resource Engineering; and Professional Certificate in Project Management from Procept Project Management, Lagos. 
He is a Corporate Member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers and a member of the Council For The Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).


With his over 30 years of experience in the corporate world, he plays an advisory role in project management, governance  and  renders supports in resource mobilization

Dr. Anwana Ntofon

One of the Pioneer Founders of ARRDEC, Dr. Anwana Ntofon is a Clinical Pharmacist with over thirty (30) years experience in the Public, private and non-profit sector. He is the Director of ARRDEC’s Medical Missions. Dr. A. Ntofon is based in the U.S.A., but he comes to Nigeria yearly to oversee and facilitate the implementation of Medical Missions in Akwa Ibom State and environs. The discounted medications and medical supplies used for ARRDEC’s Medical Missions are secured through him from ARRDEC’s International Partners.

Dr. Henry Enyenihi

A medical Doctor based in the U.S.A. with over thirty (30) years of experience in both public and private institutions. Dr. Enyenihi facilitates all prescriptions for procurement of medications and medical supplies used yearly for ARRDEC’s Medical Missions.

Mrs.Itighise Bassey

An educationist with over twenty-eight (28) years experience who is presently the Vice-Principal at Community Secondary School, Eyo Abasi, Oron Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Mrs. Bassey, who is an active social worker and a women leader, also doubles as ARRDEC’s Volunteer. She is at the fore front of women mobilization in the Oron Nation both for secular and religious activities.

Prince Nkoyo Odokwo

She is the Founder and Proprietress of Onyieyeme Glorious Schools comprising the Nursery, Primary, and College. She has twenty-five (25) years of experience as an educationist. She is also the Founder and Coordinator of Girls Child Protection and Rights Project, an NGO which specializes in Girl Child Welfare.

Mrs. Affiong Eyo

An educationist with thirty-three (33) years of experience has served as the Principal of several Secondary Schools, and now a Director in the Akwa Ibom State Education Board. She has a wealth of experience in working with women especially widows. She coordinates ARRDEC’s Micro Credit activities with widows and she is the Zonal Supervisor of Eket Senatorial District of the Sanctified Mount Zion Women Fellowship. Mrs.  Eyo is the National Treasurer of Oron Union.

Mr. Utin Ntofon

He is the Chairman of ARRDEC’s Board of Trustees and one of the pioneer founders of ARRDEC. His wealth of experience as a former management staff of NNPC and over thirty (30) years of experience in both the public and private sectors have impacted tremendously in the smooth running of ARRDEC