TY Danjuma Foundation through its Healthy Mother H e a l t h y C h i l d P r o j e c t which started in 2019 is contributing to reducing the prevalence of under-five and maternal mortality in Akwa Ibom State and ARRDEC was contracted to undertake this task. To sustain the gains achieved since inception, and to replicate the successes while reaching out to more target beneficiaries who are pregnant women, in the year 2022, the Foundation extended the project to 3 L G A s o f M k p a t E n i n , Abak and Ibesikpo Asutan. Results-focused activities implemented included: Sensitization meeting with Community gate keepers, Capacity Building Communitybased Outreaches, Health Talk, Cluster Meetings, Meeting with Male Partners, and tracking and follow-up of positive clients.
The project was implemented by ARRDEC under the sub-title, “Promoting uptake of ANC and PMTCT services at 3 Primary Health Centres in M k p a t E n i n , Abak and Ibesikpo Asutan Akwa Ibom State for improved IMNCH in 11 months”, and the target populations included pregnant women and HIV exposed infants. The goal of the project was to contribute to reducing the prevalence of under-five and maternal mortality in targeted states. And the following four SMART objectives were pursued and surpassed:
- To ensure 700 pregnant women made at least 4 ANC visits to three PHCs in M k p a t E n i n , Abak and Ibesikpo Asutan LGAs by the end of 11 Months.
- To ensure at least 90% of identified HIV-positive pregnant women accessed PMTCT services at three PHCs in M k p a t E n i n , Abak and Ibesikpo Asutan LGAs by the end of 11 months
- To strengthen three PHCs each in M k p a t E n i n , Abak and Ibesikpo Asutan LGAs by the end of 11 months
- To build the capacity of at least 4 community structures each in M k p a t E n i n , Abak and Ibesikpo Asutan LGAs to continuously drive the demand for ANC and PMTCT by the end of 11 Months
Strategies employed that helped in achieving the above objectives included citizens engagement, collaboration, sensitization, capacity building, community-based outreaches and partnership.
The results achieved on the project in 2022 included:
- 1020 pregnant women visited PHCs for ANC session; 954 pregnant women made the second ANC visit, 878 pregnant women the third ANC visit, 797 pregnant women made four ANC visits and 483 pregnant women made at least five ANC visits on the project.
- 103 babies were delivered at project selected PHCs and by trained TBAs across the three LGAs.
- A total of 331 pregnant women in Mkpat Enin LGA, 416 pregnant women in Abak LGA and 273 pregnant women in Ibesikpo Asutan LGA received HTS on the project.
- 39 HIV-positive pregnant women were identified and enrolled for PMTCT services at project selected PMTCT sites
- 6 HIV exposed babies placed on antiretroviral regimen.
- 30 nurses were retrained on maternal and newborn care with focus on management of pre-ecclampsia.
- 1 PHC each in Mkpat Enin LGA, Abak LGA and Ibesikpo Asutan LGA received delivery items, desk sphygmomanometer and stethoscope for system strengthenin.
- The capacity of 21 community structures comprised of TBAs, Mission Home Operators, Support Groups and Community Volunteers were built to continually drive the demand for ANC and PMTCT.
- 217 women of reproductive age were sensitized directly on ANC importance and benefits, immunization, family planning/child spacing, nutritional education, personal hygiene and COVID – 19 safety precautions.
- 6 persons comprised of Primary Health Care Workers, TBA, Community Volunteers and Mentor Mother were awarded Healthy Mother, Healthy Child Champions to motivate them to sustain sensitization on the importance of ANC and child immunization in their respective communities across the LGAs.
- Behavioral Change was communicated to 59 male partners at Men.Care Fora.
- Myths on HIV which were peculiar to the project locations were demystified.
Other results included:
- The project impacted positively on Akwa Ibom as a beneficiary state;
- The Reproductive Health Unit of the Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Health (AKMOH) and the Akwa Ibom State Primary Healthcare Development Agency commemorated Safe Motherhood day in collaboration with TY Danjuma Foundation and ARRDEC on April 11, 2022.
- ARRDEC was appointed into the State’s Technical Working Group on Family Planning.
- The project brought to fore the essential roles of community structures in driving the demand for ANC and PMTCT.
- Trained TBAs were quite appreciative of their recognition on the project and were supportive of helping to sustain project gains.
For a detailed information on the project click here to download Final Project Report or Newsletter.