Healthy Mother Healthy Child Project is a TY Danjuma Foundation Funded Project being implemented by Antof Rural Resource Development Centre (ARRDEC). With successes and achievements recorded in 2019, TY Danjuma Foundation decided to extend this project to three new locations in 2020 namely: Iwok Nsit, odot, Ikot Uyo communities of Nsit Atai LGA, Ibaka, Uda, Okobo-Ebughu communities of Mbo LGA and Oduonim, Edok, Mbokpu Eyoakan Communities of Urue Offong/ Oruko LGA in Akwa Ibom State.
The project is being implemented by ARRDEC under the sub-title, “Promoting uptake of ANC and PMTCT services at 3 PHCs each in Mbo, Nsit Atai and Urueoffong/Oruko LGAs for improved IMNCH in 11 months”, and the target populations are pregnant women and HIV exposed infants. The objective of the project is to contribute to reducing the prevalence of under-five and maternal mortality in targeted states, therefore to achieve this, the project is working with the beneficiaries, host communities, engaging the various community structures that impact women’s care-seeking behavior to promote uptake of ANC and PMTCT services at the selected Primary Healthcare Centres in the project. Results-focused activities carried out included: Community-based Outreaches to create demand for uptake of ANC and PMTCT, HIV Counseling Services, referrals and follow-up for adherence to treatment for HIV-positive women, and refreshers training of selected Primary Health Care Centres.
Key Project Outcomes
- 789 pregnant women visited facilities for Antenatal care (ANC) session out of which 373 pregnant women made four ANC visits while524 pregnant women made at least four ANC visits.
- 135 babies delivered across 9 health facilities
- 27 HIV-positive pregnant women were enrolled for PMTCT services at project-selected PMTCT sites.
- 11 HIV –exposed infants received early infant diagnosis across 9 facilities
- Behavioural Change was communicated to more than 270 male partners at Men Forum and Bi-monthly Health Talk with women)
- The capacity of 15 community structures such as TBAs, Mission Home Operators, PPMVs, Support Groups was built to continually drive the demand for ANC and PMTCT
- The capacity of 9 community health workers (HIV counselor and testers) was built to continually drive the demand for ANC and PMTCT
- TBAs, PPMVs, Community Chief, Mentor Mother, Case Manager, and Community Volunteers were presented with Awards as Healthy Mother, Healthy Child Champions to motivate them to sustain sensitization on the importance of ANC and child immunization in their respective communities across the LGAs